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See the picture of the round Earth as viewed from space.

A three-dimensional globe shows the shape of the earth.

Long ago wise people found out that the great earth on which we live is not flat, but round like a ball. It is so very large, and we see so small a part of it at one time, that it looks flat to us.

If you have your own three-dimensional globe, take a piece of paper and tear out a small hole. Hold the hole over your globe so that a small part of the surface shows through. Does the small piece of the globe look very curved?

People noticed ships sailing away across the water. When the ships were far away the lower part of the boat could not be seen. More and more disappeared till only the tops of the masts could be seen; and at last they were gone too.

If you make a little paper boat and let it sail flat across your desk and then try it over the globe or a round ball, you can see how this proves that the earth is not flat.

Did you ever see an eclipse of the moon? See below an image of a lunar (moon) eclipse. The big curved shadow is the earth’s shadow. Why is the shadow round?

Notebook Work: Label the top of your notebook page with "LESSON 14." First, sketch the round Earth in your notebook. Next, copy these words into your notebook. 'The Earth is round, like a big blue and white marble floating in space.'

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